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Why choose massage?

shutterstock_back-massage-449x300Massage can provide us with a means to counteract the relentless surge of work and domestic pressures. For all too many of us, stiffness and pain are a way of life to which we have become habituated, and it is often not until we receive massage that we realize that our muscles are tight, or come to see how much of our energy is consumed by tension. Massages can be a voyage of self – discovery, revealing how it feels to be more relaxed and in tune with our selves, to experience the pleasure of a body that can breathe, stand and move freely.

We believe that massage can work on physical as well as emotional levels to improve one’s general state of health and well-being. Regular massage will ensure healthy circulation, increase your metabolism, ease muscular aches and can also promote restful sleep.

Massage boosts your energy levels, detoxifies and improves physical mobility and flexibility.

We use Swedish and Neuromuscular techniques to enhance the balancing effects of the treatment and promote relaxation.